KCET Physics Syllabus 2024

KCET Physics Syllabus 2024: कर्नाटक परीक्षा प्राधिकरण की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 का पाठ्यक्रम उपलब्ध है। आवेदकों को KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 का पाठ्यक्रम पीयूसी I और पीयूसी II के लिए उपलब्ध है। भौतिकी पाठ्यक्रम का निर्माण कर्नाटक प्री-यूनिवर्सिटी शिक्षा विभाग की जिम्मेदारी है।
हटा दिया गया है: शंकु अनुभाग, तर्क, द्विपद सिद्धांत और विशेष योगों के सूत्र। CTE 2024 भौतिकी परीक्षा के प्रमुख विषयों, वेटेज और विवरणों को उम्मीदवार प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
KCET Physics Syllabus 2024
KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 को कर्नाटक परीक्षा प्राधिकरण की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट @kea.kar.nic.in पर जारी किया गया है। केसीईटी परीक्षा पैटर्न के भौतिकी विभाग में छह सौ प्रश्न हैं, प्रत्येक में एक अंक और कोई नकारात्मक अंकन नहीं है। कुल 70 मिनट में भौतिकी भाग को हल करना होगा।
2021 में, Chief Executive Officer (KEA) ने KCET पाठ्यक्रम को 30% कम किया। 2024 के केसीईटी पाठ्यक्रमों में मुख्य विषयों में भौतिकी, इकाइयाँ और माप, थर्मोडायनामिक्स, काइनेटिक सिद्धांत, समतल और सीधी रेखा में गति, तरंगें और बहुत कुछ शामिल हैं।
KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 PUC I
2024 पीयूसी I के सीईटी भौतिकी पाठ्यक्रम की चर्चा नीचे दी गई तालिका में है। KCET 2024 परीक्षा में शामिल होने से पहले, उम्मीदवारों को महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी होनी चाहिए। परीक्षा इस वर्ष 18, 19 और 20 अप्रैल 2024 को हुई है। एक समतल में गति, एक सीधी रेखा में गति, थर्मोडायनामिक्स, गतिज सिद्धांत, इकाइयाँ और माप आदि शामिल थे।
KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 for PUC I | |
Chapters | Topics Covered |
Physical World | What is physics?Fundamental forces in nature |
Units and Measurements | IntroductionThe international system of unitsMeasurement of length Measurement of mass measurement of timeMeasurement mistakes, accuracy, and instrument precision significant figures Dimensions of physical quantitiesDimensional equations and dimensional formulaeDimensional analysis and its applications |
Motion in a straight line | IntroductionPosition, displacement, and displacement, path length average speed and average velocityInstantaneous speed and velocity AccelerationKinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion relative velocity |
Motion in a Plane | IntroductionThe international system of unitsMeasurement of length Measurement of mass measurement of time measurement mistakes, accuracy, and instrument precision significant figures Dimensions of physical quantitiesDimensional equations and dimensional formulaeDimensional analysis and its applications |
Laws of Motion | IntroductionConservation of momentumEquilibrium of a particleCommon forces in mechanicsCircular motionSolving problems in mechanics |
Work, Energy, and Power | IntroductionVectors and ScalarsMultiplication of vectors by real numbersSubtraction and Addition of vectors – graphical methodResolution of vectors vector addition – analytical methodMotion in a plane motion in a plane with constant accelerationRelative velocity in two dimensionsProjectile motion uniform circular motion |
System of Particles and Rotational Motion | IntroductionNotions of work and kinetic energy or kinetic energyWork done by a variable forceThe work-energy theorem for a variable forceThe concept of potential energy conservation of mechanical energy potential energy of a springVarious forms of energyPowerCollisions |
Gravitation | IntroductionThermal equilibriumZeroth law of thermodynamicsHeat, internal energy, and workThe first law of thermodynamicsSpecific heat capacityThermodynamic state variables and equation of stateThermodynamic processes second law of thermodynamics Reversible and irreversible processesCarnot engine |
Mechanical Properties of Solids | IntroductionStrain and StressHooke’s lawStress-strain curveElastic moduliYoung’s modulusDetermining the material wire’s Young’s modulusBulk modulusApplications of elastic behavior of materials |
Mechanical Properties Fluid | IntroductionPressureStreamline flowBernoulli’s principleViscositySurface tension |
Thermal properties matter | IntroductionMolecular nature of matter behavior of gases kinetic theory of an ideal gas law of equipartition of energy-specific heat capacity mean free path |
Thermodynamics | IntroductionMeasurement of temperatureIdeal-gas equation and absolute temperatureThermal expansionSpecific heat capacityCalorimetryChange of stateBlack body radiationGreenhouse effectNewton” ‘s law of cooling |
Kinetic Theory | IntroductionCentre of massThe motion of the center of massLinear momentum of a system of particlesVector product of two vectors the relationship between angular velocity and linear velocityTorque and angular momentumEquilibrium of a rigid bodyMoment of inertiaKinematics of rotational motion about a fixed axisDynamics of rotational motion about a fixed axisAngular momentum Rolling motion |
Oscillation | IntroductionPeriodic and oscillatory motion simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion force law for simple harmonic motion energy in simple harmonic motionSome systems executing SimpleHarmonic MotionDamped simple harmonic motion forced oscillations and resonance |
Waves | IntroductionTransverse and longitudinal wavesDisplacement relation in a progressive wave speed of a traveling wave principle of superposition of wavesReflection of wavesBeats |
KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 PUC II
2024 पीयूसी II के लिए KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 की चर्चा नीचे दी गई तालिका में है। KCET 2024 परीक्षा में उपस्थित होने से पहले उम्मीदवारों को आवश्यक जानकारी होनी चाहिए। परीक्षा इस वर्ष 18, 19 और 20 अप्रैल 2024 को हुई है। इलेक्ट्रिक चार्ज और क्षेत्र; करंट इलेक्ट्रिसिटी; मैग्नेटिज्म और मैटर; इलेक्ट्रोमैग्नेटिक्स उत्पादन; और मूविंग चार्ज और मैग्नेटिज्म शामिल हैं।
KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 for PUC II | |
Chapter | Topics Covered |
1. Electric charges and fields | IntroductionElectric ChargeConductors and InsulatorsCharging by InductionBasic Properties of Electric ChargeCoulomb’s LawForces between Multiple ChargesElectric FieldElectric Field LinesElectric FluxElectric DipoleDipole in a Uniform External FieldContinuous Charge DistributionGauss’s LawApplications of Gauss’s LawInfinite plane sheet- Field due to uniformly charged |
2. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance | IntroductionElectrostatic PotentialPotential due to a Point ChargePotential due to an Electric DipolePotential due to a System of ChargesEquipotential SurfacesPotential Energy of a System of ChargesPotential Energy in an External FieldElectrostatics of ConductorsDielectrics and PolarisationCapacitors and CapacitanceThe Parallel Plate CapacitorEffect of Dielectric on CapacitanceCombination of CapacitorsEnergy Stored in a Capacitor |
3. Current Electricity | IntroductionElectric CurrentElectric Currents in ConductorsOhm’s law Electrons and ResistivityLimitations of Ohm’s LawTemperature Dependence of ResistivityElectrical Energy, PowerCells, Internal Resistance, emfCells in Parallel and in SeriesKirchhoff’s RulesWheatstone BridgeMeter BridgePotentiometer |
4. Moving Charges and Magnetism | IntroductionMagnetic ForceMotion in a Magnetic FieldMotion in Combined Electric and Magnetic Fieldsvelocity selectorBiot-Savart Law and the Current Element’s Magnetic FieldMagnetic Field of Current Circular LoopAmpere’s Circuital LawThe Solenoid and the ToroidThe force between Two Parallel Currents, the AmpereTorque on Current Loop, Magnetic DipoleThe Moving Coil Galvanometer |
5. Magnetism and Matter | IntroductionThe Bar MagnetThe magnetic field linesMagnetism and Gauss’s LawThe Earth’s MagnetismMagnetization and magnetic intensity |
6. Electromagnetic Induction | IntroductionThe Experiments of Henry and Faraday Magnetic Flux NilFaraday’s Law of InductionLenz’s Law and Conservation of EnergyMotional Electromotive ForceEnergy Consideration: A Quantitative StudyEddy CurrentsInductanceAC Generator |
7. Alternating Current | IntroductionAC Voltage Applied to a ResistorAC Voltage and Current with Rotating Phase-VectorsAC Voltage Applied to an InductorAC Voltage Applied to a CapacitorAC Voltage Applied to a Series LCR CircuitLC OscillationsTransformers |
8. Electromagnetic Waves | IntroductionElectromagnetic WavesElectromagnetic Spectrum |
9. Ray Optics and Optical Instruments | IntroductionRefractionTotal Internal ReflectionRefraction at Spherical Surfaces and by LensesRefraction through a PrismSome Natural Phenomena due to Sunlightthe rainbowOptical Instruments |
10. Wave Optics | IntroductionRefractionTotal Internal ReflectionRefraction at Spherical Surfaces and by LensesRefraction through a PrismSome Natural Phenomena due to Sunlight rainbowOptical Instruments |
11. Dual Nature of radiation and matter | IntroductionElectron EmissionPhotoelectric EffectExperimental Study of Photoelectric EffectPhotoelectric Effect and Wave Theory of LightEinstein’s Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of RadiationParticle Nature of Light: The PhotonWave Nature of Matter |
12. Atoms | Introduction ExperimentRutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom and Alpha particle ScatteringAtomic SpectraBohr Model of the Hydrogen AtomThe Line Spectra of the Hydrogen AtomBohr’s Second Postulate of Quantization |
13. Nuclei | IntroductionAtomic Masses and Composition of NucleusSize of the NucleusMass Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy Nuclear ForceNuclear Energy |
14 Semiconductor Electronics: Devices, Materials, and Simple Circuits | IntroductionClassification of Metals, Conductors, and SemiconductorsIntrinsic SemiconductorExtrinsic SemiconductorPN JunctionSemiconductor DiodeApplication of Junction Diode as a RectifierSpecial Purpose p-n Junction DiodesOptoelectronic Junction DevicesDigital Electronics and Logic Gates |
KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 Weightage of Important Topics
नीचे दी गई तालिका में उम्मीदवार महत्वपूर्ण विषयों का KCET Physics Syllabus 2024 वेटेज देख सकते हैं। पीयूसी I और पीयूसी II के वेटेज की चर्चा नीचे दी गई है।
KCET Physics Syllabus Weightage of Important Topics | |
Name of the Chapters | Weightage (Number of Questions Asked) |
Gravitation | 8 |
Motion in a straight line | 7 |
Oscillations | 7 |
Thermodynamics | 7 |
Mechanical properties of solids | 4 |
Mechanical properties of fluids | 4 |
Kinetic theory | 4 |
Units and Measurements | 3 |
Physical-world | 2 |
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